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Japanese expression which means local administrator. In Nagasaki it was used when referring to the administrators who governed the town during the absence of the bugyo. In 1592 Murayama Toan, one of the Christians of the city, was appointed daikan, a position he held until 1618, when he was replaced by Suetsugu Heizo, an influential businessman.
CARON, Francois, Schouten, Joost, A True Description of the Mighty Kingdoms of Japan & Siam, int., notas e apêndice de C. R. Boxer, Londres, The Argonaut Press, 1935. COOPER, Michael S.J., Rodrigues, o intérprete. Um Jesuíta na China e no Japão, Lisboa, Quetzal Editores, 2003 (2ª ed.). MIHOKO, Oka, "A great Merchant in Nagasaki in the 17th century. Suetsugu Heizô II and the system of respondência" in Bulletin of Portuguese/Japanese Studies, vol. 2, Lisboa, Centro de História de Além-Mar - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Junho de 2001, pp. 37-56.
Translated by: Maria das Mercês Pacheco
CARON, Francois, Schouten, Joost, A True Description of the Mighty Kingdoms of Japan & Siam, int., notas e apêndice de C. R. Boxer, Londres, The Argonaut Press, 1935. COOPER, Michael S.J., Rodrigues, o intérprete. Um Jesuíta na China e no Japão, Lisboa, Quetzal Editores, 2003 (2ª ed.). MIHOKO, Oka, "A great Merchant in Nagasaki in the 17th century. Suetsugu Heizô II and the system of respondência" in Bulletin of Portuguese/Japanese Studies, vol. 2, Lisboa, Centro de História de Além-Mar - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Junho de 2001, pp. 37-56.
Translated by: Maria das Mercês Pacheco