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In 1514 he sailed to the Indian Ocean as captain of a fleet, in the company of Luís Figueira, knight of the Royal Household, and his mission was to discover the island of São Lourenço (Madagascar), where he would build a trading post for the commerce of ginger. He was both captain and pilot in this fleet. In the end of June, 1520, a carrack ship that had sailed from Lisbon in that year arrived in Mozambique, captained and piloted by Pedro Eanes Francês, who had been sent by Kind Manuel with correspondence for governor Diogo Lopes de Sequeira, telling him, among other matters, of the news on the Turkish armada. In 1522 he was the captain of the fleet intended to discover the Isles of Gold, under the command of Cristóvão de Mendonça.

LACERDA, Teresa, Os Capitães das Armadas da Índia no Reinado de Manuel I - uma avaliação social, Cascais, Câmara de Cascais, 2008, no prelo.

Translated by: Maria das Mercês Pacheco