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Portuguese Navigator from the 15th century, he was Squire in the service of Prince Pedro. He was one of the captains in the greatest expedition of 1445 to the west coast of Africa, commanded by Lançarote de Lagos. Prince Henry the Navigator gave the captains the possibility to return to the Kingdom, but Rodrigo Eanes was one of the captains who chose to continue the voyage in order to gather information about the "Land of the Blacks" and about the Nile River, which was thought then to be located in the region. They sailed until Senegal River and then to Cape Verde.

ZURARA, Gomes Eanes de, Crónica dos feitos notáveis que se passaram na conquista de Guiné por mandado do infante D. Henrique, 2 vols., Lisboa, Academia Portuguesa de História, 1973-1981.

Translated by: Ana Pereira