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A ship-owner and merchant from Lagos. In 1445, he took part in the expedition of Lançarote de Lagos: the main purpose was to reach the Tidra Island and avenge the death of Gonçalo de Sintra. On the Gambia River, Vicente Dias was attacked by an African and his face was scarred. After having captured some slaves they returned to Portugal. In 1451, he captained one of the vessels that Prince Henrique sent to fight the islands of Lanzarote and La Gomera, in the Canary Isles. According to Cadamosto, in 1455 Vicente Dias, born in Lagos, was the skipper of a new caravel, of forty-five tons. The success of this voyage was partly due to the knowledge Vicente Dias had of the region. The expedition carried on to Madeira and then to the Canary Islands, sailing along the coast of Senegal. Apparently Vicente Dias wanted to round Cap-Vert and explore the lands of Gambia, but he didn't go very far for the crew refused to sail, demanding a return to the Realm.

CORDEIRO, Fernando, "Dias, Vicente", in Dicionário de História dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, vol. I, Lisboa, Caminho, p. 355. ZURARA, Gomes Eanes de, Crónica dos feitos notáveis que se passaram na conquista de Guiné por mandado do infante D. Henrique, 2 vols., Lisboa, Academia Portuguesa de História, 1981.

Translated by: Maria das Mercês Pacheco