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Merchant established in Macao in the first half of the 17th century, he was an opponent of the Society of Jesus in the contention of Ilha Verde, in 1621. He was Municipal Clerk in 1631, 1632, 1633 and 1634, and he was among the citizens of Macao that held positions in Santa Casa da Misericórdia.

In case he was Tristão Tavares Carneiro, he was a member of the Leal Senado (Loyal Senate) and served as Alderman in 1639 and 1646.

On the occasion of the acclamation of D. João IV in Macao, he signed the Term of May 31st, 1642. He participated in the debate on sending an Embassy to Japan in 1645 and 1646, siding with those in favour of the proposal.

ALVES, Jorge dos Santos, «Os jesuítas e a «contenda da Ilha Verde». A primeira discussão sobre a legitimidade da presença portuguesa em Macau (1621)», in A Companhia de Jesus e a Missionação no Oriente, Actas do Colóquio Internacional promovido pela Fundação Oriente e pela Revista Brotéria, Lisboa, Brotéria-Revista de Cultura, Fundação Oriente, 2000. PENALVA, Elsa, A Companhia de Jesus em Macau (1615-1626), Universidade de Lisboa, 2000 (dissertação de mestrado). IDEM, Lutas pelo Poder em Macau (c.1590-c.1660), Universidade de Lisboa, 2005 (dissertação de doutoramento policopiada).

Translated by: Ana Pereira